Thursday, September 15, 2016

Dear parents,

We had such a wonderful week getting aquainted with our new friends and catching up with old friends too! This week we began our unit of "All About Me". In this blog you will see pictures of some of the amazing activities, centers and learning circles that we had this week. 

We worked on our self portraits this week. We looked at ourselves in the mirror and paid close attention to what makes us unique.


We followed a pictorial recipe to make play dough!

 We strengthened our fine motor skills while braiding Challah for Shabbat.

 We met our new friends Alef which is the first letter of the word "Aznayime"- Ears and Bet. Each week we will meet a new puppet friend as we learn all of the letters of the Alef Bet. We traced the letter Alef in paint and made Alef and Bet trains which you can hang up in your child's room.

 We enjoyed painting self portraits at the easle. Painting at the easel strengthens our bilateral coordination.

**Successful writing depends on well developed asymmetrical bilateral integration and an ability to cross the midline. First, a child must use one hand to control the pencil and the other hand to position and stabilize the paper (asymmetrical bilateral integration). Then, a child must use one hand to write words along the entire horizontal length of the page, without switching the pencil from the left hand to the right hand at the mid-way point of the page (crossing the midline).
We measure ourselves using a tape measure and then Morah asked the yeladim what other items we can use to measure ourselves. The yeladim tried measuring themselves using large and small blocks.

Thank you to all of the parents who sent in family photos on Wednesday. We each had a turn to speak about our family and draw a picture of them. This was used for a documentation display in our classroom. Come and have a look!

We learned a fun song that taught us the names of the family in Hebrew:

These are the people in my family
In Hebrew we call it "Mishpacha" "Mishpacha"!
We all live in a "Bayit"- "Bayit"
Me and my Ma and Pa
There's my father say "Abba"- "Abba"
And my mother say "Ima"- "Ima"
There's my brother, say "Ach"- "Ach"
and my sister say "Achot"- "Achot"

Happy birthday Ariel!

Literacy: This week was all about names! The Yeladim in Nursery Jk have become familiar with their names and will begin to recognize their friends names as the year progresses. 

We shaped the letter A by pushing straws in the play dough, strengthening their small muscles and learning the letter formation.


 Morning sign in is an important part of the day. We sign in by putting a rock with a name on it into a basket. Other times we sign in by answering a question such as what colour are your eyes?

We used bingo dabbers to write our names too.

We had a great yoga class with Catalina. Just look at those smiling faces!

We have been getting more familiar with the class routines and learning that each child in the class is important and can find a way to contribute. Pictured below the children are cleaning up the rice after playing in the sensory bin.

We finished off our week with a Shabbat celebration! Shabbat Shalom! Looking forward to an amazing year with your children!

Morah Chayala and Morah Chaya

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