Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Pre-Nursery 1 Purim Unit

Hello Pre Nursery One Families,

What an exciting time it has been in our classroom, Purim has really brought out all of the sillies, smiles, laughter, creativity, and just overall joy and happiness into our room. In this unit we explore learning in depth about the story of Purim, and different things we can learn about during this time such as, making Hamantashen, giving Tzdahkah, and continuously thanking Hashem for all the small blessings that we receive everyday. Here are some highlights to our amazing time exploring and diving head first into the Purim unit.

We decorated masks with stickers







We made Hamantachen from scratch




We turned our dramatic area into a theater, and put on plays during snack and circle time for the children, we read the purim story and different stories, we also had the children put on shows amongs themselves.



We also made a Hamantachen Bar Graph where we determained how man children liked similar Hamantachen filling. We created our craft Hamantashens and chose between the different fillings of Chocolate, Lemon, and Strawberry.






We also dressed up














When it was time to get creative we sure did, we made clowns, crowns, masks, puppets, Hamantachen and so much more fun purim arts and crafts, we also built castles using blocks, we decided to make it a little more challenging and add shapes to the carpets and have the children build within the shapes, creating beautiful castles.









Then we enjoyed some sensory play, and quiet reading..






The children wanted to share their version of the purim story to our lovely class pet pretty purple.


We enjoyed reading stories from a megilla watching Purim puppet shows.

Here are the books we read this unit:

  1. Not for the Hamantaschen
  2. Purim for the very young
  3. Purim play
  4. The Purim Story
  5. What do you see on Purim
Here are the songs we sang this unit:
  1. I know a happy holiday, and Purim is its name oh, P.U.R.I.M, P.U.R.I.M, P.U.R.I.M,  and Purim is its name oh!
  2. Chag Purim Chag Purim Chag gadol layehudim Masechot raashanim Shirim verikudim Hava nareisha rash rash rash *3 Baraashanim Chag Purim Chag Purim  Zeh el zeh sholchim manot  Machmadim mamtakim Meged migdanot Hava nareisha.... 
  3.  Ani Purim Ani Purim  Shameach umvadeach Halo rak paaam bashanna avo lehitareach La La La La La La*4 Heidad Purim Heidad Purim  Haku tof umetziltaaim Umi yiten uva Purim  Lechodesh lechodshaim La La La La La La*4 
  4.  Mishe Mishe Mishe Mishe *2 Mishenichnas Adar*2 Mishenichnas Adar marbin besimcha *2 
  5. Shoshanat Yacov tzahala veshamecha Berotam yachad tchelet Mordechai   *2 Tshuatam haita lanetsach Tikvatam bechol dor vador  Baruch Mordechi hayehudi*2 
  6.  UMordechai yatzah milifney hamelech  Bilevush malchut vaateret zahav   UMordechai yatzah milifney hamelech  Vehaair shushan tzahala vesamecha Layehudim haita ora vesimcha Ora vesimcha vesason veeikar 
  7. Leytzan katan nechmad roked em kol echad  Leytzan katan sheli ulay tirkod eete  Ulay ulay ulay tirkod eete*2       

 We had so much fun with this unit, but now it's time to explore Pesach in the next Unit!   Morah Lauren & Morah Galit 🤗

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