Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Hello Pre Nursery 2 Parents,

We have been so busy preparing for Purim in our class. The children have been having so much fun playing with Purim puppets in our house centre 'palace'. They have also learned so many songs, made beautiful crafts and learned the story of Purim. They are so excited to share all of this with you.

The children all helped to make a beautiful clown to welcome Purim into our classroom. They each also made their own fun Purim clowns.

It has been fun playing with our Purim character masks and telling the Purim story.

Painting our graggers was a highlight of our Purim preparation and we are so excited to use them as we listen to the Megillah.

The children created their own set of Purim characters and decorated a palace as well, so they can retell the Purim story to you, while using their special props.

We baked delicious Purim cookies which the children are looking forward to taking home in their mishloach manot.

The children enjoyed a fun sensory activity this week. They played with soapy water filled bags. It was a great sensory experience.

We were so excited to play outside and enjoy some nice sunny weather.  Hopefully Spring is on the way!!!!

These are some of our favourite Purim songs:

1. There is a happy holiday and Purim is its name oh,
P-U-R-I-M, P-U-R-I-M, P-U-R-I-M,
And Purim is its name oh.

2. A very very long time ago,
There once was a king that I know,
He was a silly, silly king,
A dilly, dilly, king,
Please tell me what was his name.
Achashverosh, Achashverosh, Achashverosh.

3. Esther will you marry me,
Esther will you marry me,
Esther will you marry me,
Esther will you marry me.
Yes king I will marry you,
Yes king I will marry you,
Yes king I will marry you,
Yes king I will marry you.

4. Chag Purim, Chag Purim

5. Clippity clop clop giddyup pony,
Clippity clop through Shushan go,
Will Haman ride the king' s white pony,
No sir, no sir, no no no.
Clippity clop clop giddyup pony,
Clippity clop it's Mordechai's  day,
He will ride the king's white pony,
As the people shout Hurray.

Wishing all of you a good Purim and looking forward to more fun and learning as Pesach comes our way.

As always, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful children with us.

Morah Shelley and Morah Shani

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