We are the Guarantors for the Torah! We will do, We will listen, We will understand!
Can't believe its almost Shavout!
Standing at Har Sinai, ready to accept the Torah!
We made a beautiful name flower. First, we painted a canvas, then we looked for the letters in our name and we glued the letter petals onto our name. The children were so proud of their work as they were able to identify the letters of their name.
We have been learning about the letter Vav. The children decorated the Vav with roses- Veredim! They coloured them in red and glued the roses onto the Vav. |
We used flowers to create our own Har Sinai. We used the pink, white and yellow flowers to create patterns. |
We went outside and enjoyed playing water in the water tables. We played with sponges, water toys and we even used nets to collect fishies.
We pretended to be scribes and used a feather to write the Aleph bet letters we have been learning!
As we scribed our letters, we said their name out loud. The children are really learning so much and love singing "Aleph Bet".
We turned our Kitchen Center into a real Ice Cream shop. We had all different flavours of Ice cream, sprinkles, fancy drinks and even cones. The children used a cash register, clipboards and money to purchase their ice cream. We had such a great time! It was delicious !
The children were role-playing and pretending they were at the Inside Scoop. The conversations were amazing to listen to and we couldn't believe how much they understand and can role play with one another.
Shabbat Party is so exciting in our class! We love to sing Shabbat songs, make our chicken soup, light the candles and be the Ima/Aba. |
On Friday we celebrated with a big party for our Mommies/Ima's. We sang songs in circle time, we made beautiful boxes with our mothers/bubbies and we ate delicious muffins too! It was special to have all the mothers, bubbies and the children together!
We made our har Sinai mountain and then we created pictures of ourselves at the mountain. We learned that we were all there at Har Sinai ready to get the Torah and we opened our arms to receive it!
We have been learning the letter "Hey". We used beads to create the letter on a mirror, we drew with our fingers on the letter Hey and we decorated the letter Hey too. We are learning all the letters in the Torah!
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