Thursday, May 17, 2018

Pre- Nursery Shavuot!

From Har Sinai to ice cream to flowers and torah, our Shavuot unit has been so packed with learning and fun! 

Making little Har Sinai exploring light and colour with our strainers on the light table! 

Community art projects make all the children feel a part of making our classroom look so festive for Shavuot! 

Counting scoops on our ice-cream cones! 

Making watercolour flowers!

Pre-writing fine motor flower worksheets! When we work  on our  pre-writing skills (lines and strokes) we're naturally developing  fine motor skills, which will help with  the well-rounded handwriting skills we need for letter formation, line orientation, spacing, and hand grasp.

Sorting flowers by colour! 

 Painting our flower pots and exploring what happens when we mix our colours!

Thank you again to all our special guests who came in and joined us for muffins! We had so much fun with you! 

Ice cream patterning! We're able to identify and count the different 'scoops' in our creation! 

We had very special props to use for this unit's circle time: Torah's! 
Here are some of the songs we have been learning for Shavuot, so you can enjoy them at home! 

Hashem Gave Us a Present

Hashem gave us a present, do you know what it was? He gave us the Torah, so we can keep its laws.

He asked the many nations, do you want this gift of mine? But they said “no, thank you” the Torah’s not for us. Then to the Jewish people Hashem did go.

We said “Na’aseh Ve’nishma”, Cuz we love Hashem so.

Little Har Sinai

I am a Mountain so very high,

I can reach way up to the sky, The Torah should be given on me, ‘cuz I am as great as can be, You see! 

Oh no!

I am much taller then you,
And there are so many things I can do 
The Torah should be given on me, ‘cuz I am as tall as can be you see!

But little Har Sinai, just stood there and sighed, I know I’m not tall, I know I am not wide. The Torah can’t be given on me
‘cuz I’m a plain mountain he said simply!

But from all the mountains, Hashem chose Sinai, Because he did not hold himself high
He had such simple and humble ways

and from this we learn that humbleness pays.

 Letter recognition and letter sound development was a hit with our flower letter matching activity! When letter recognition is  established, children can learn letter-sound associations more easily, we are already able to associate some letters with friend's names in out class! 

 While learning the story of Shavuot we have been leaning so much about the Torah! We pretended to be the Sofer who writes the special words of Hashem in the Torah with our feather and ink! 

We love yoga! 

 Fine motor fun transferring the pom poms to the cones with our pinchers! 

One of our science discovery activities throughout this unit has been learning about the life cycle of flowers and how they live! We made our very own flower 'homes' and gave them lots of food (soil) so they can grow! 

Here are our very own Har Sinai Flowers and Torahs! We can't wait to share them with you! 

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