Friday, May 4, 2018

Rainforest Nursery Class

Into the Rainforest

 This Unit the children learned about the Rainforest . They painted a huge tree in the middle of the forest and then added the leaves to the tree. During circle time, we discussed what types of animals live in a tree and the children all said "Birds". So the next day, we made our own Toucans! At first, no one knew what the craft was going to be but in the end, the Toucans were a hit! 

And of course, we can't forget the Monkeys......

And then we had to write what we see in the rainforest: 

And of course, we added all our special Mitzvot to our Rainforest mitzvah trees.

On Monday, we had sports with Coach Zev. The children enjoyed the first day of beautiful weather outside with coach Zev. He played different games using balls, hula hoops, and running games. 

 Some of the exciting activities we did this week were:

Davening for Zalmy

Writing our names

Fine Motor : Using Tweezers to move the pompoms

Puzzles for Shababt
Building our Rainforest House

 We have also been learning our Aleph Bet weekly. Last week we decorated our Daleds with Dominos and this week we used colorful diamonds to create our Daled. 

And of course, we celebrated Lag B'omer in the Nursery class. 
We first made a bonfire using Plasticine! 

We then made our friends holding hands around the bonfire. 

We then danced around the bonfire using instruments!

We learned the important mitzvzah of this special day!
 "Vehavta Leracha Komacha"  
Love your fellow Jew as you love yourself.
In our class, we all talking about who our best friend is and who can be friends with who. We discussed how important it is to be friends with everyone and not leave anyone out. 
Shabbat Shalom from Laila and Nate- Shabbos Ima and Aba 

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