Friday, September 13, 2019

Pre- Nursery 2 ALL ABOUT ME Unit


Our first two weeks of school were full of discoveries and learning. In this unit, we implemented learning opportunities based on the children's interest by creating an environment that they feel accepted, safe and capable of exploring their potential with the purpose of nurturing and supporting their transition to school.

They loved exploring the cause and effect concept with ramps, balls and cars. 

Moving forward on our theme, we observed and interacted with different materials to build important concepts such as self image and self awareness by creating faces with play dough, chunk crayons and tracing our human body as a group learning moment. 

We had a great time being curious and counting how many eyes, ears, fingers, etc we have and how do we use them on our everyday.
Throughout these two weeks, our children had the chance to discover how much fun we can have outside and how to name basic feelings such as happiness, sadness, fear, calm, and anger in a spontaneous and playful way by looking at themselves in the mirror, reading books with the Morahs during circle time and expressing themselves every day through play!

To encourage the concept of self awareness and sense of self, we implemented a hands-on learning opportunity to measure their heights with soft blocks. It was amazing to see the children's reactions and curiosity about how tall they are and of course to create a new way of playing with their own "tower of height".

We have been creating a secure and strong bond with all of our children by understanding their needs, supporting their learning through play and giving them the tools and guidance to succeed as unique and incredible children who brighten our days by just being THEMSELVES!

Stay tuned for our next exciting unit towards learning and fun! 😉

Morah Dominique and Morah Jackie

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