It was so much fun to start off the year getting to learn about all of the friends in our class and about their families. We discovered things about ourselves like hair and eye colour. We also learned who was in our families and built where we live. Our All About Me unit has been so much fun!! Who doesn't enjoy learning and exploring all things about themselves? The children were very excited daily to learn something new or observe themselves and their peers.
We created an emotion chart to keep track of our morning mood, the children were very excited to come in and share how they were feeling each day. During activity time the children designed their own colouring page while the morahs casually asked them questions about themselves and added it to their work as a contribution. We identified the parts of our face we sang head shoulders knees and toes!

We created our unique hand print art and Proud to Bee me foot prints. During these activity, we really emphasized the importance of loving even the smallest details of our body, shared how unique and different even the prints on our hands and feet are and just how spacial Hashem has made each of us!!

We created an emotion chart to keep track of our morning mood, the children were very excited to come in and share how they were feeling each day. During activity time the children designed their own colouring page while the morahs casually asked them questions about themselves and added it to their work as a contribution. We identified the parts of our face we sang head shoulders knees and toes!

We created our unique hand print art and Proud to Bee me foot prints. During these activity, we really emphasized the importance of loving even the smallest details of our body, shared how unique and different even the prints on our hands and feet are and just how spacial Hashem has made each of us!!

We had the opportunity to harvest our garden and observe all the small details of each vegetable. We retrieved a pumpkin, tomatoes and a green pepper. We decided to open a few of the vegetables to take a closer look.. We also made pumpkin sensory bags to further explore so all children could observe and feel the texture.

During outdoor play, the children are involved in a number of gross motor activities that challenge them to use their larger muscles. Working on gross motor skills helps a child gain strength and confidence in his/her body. It also helps them get exercise and physical activity, which is important for a healthy lifestyle. Developing these skills in children enhances their ability to do more complex skills in the future, such as playing soccer with a team

We've had fun days filled with learning, so many things to learn and discover!!
We had our five minute 'brain gym' challenge as we went through short individual activities meant to get the brain exercising.
- We did an eleven piece sea animal puzzle which enhances fine motor and cognitive skills.
- A pompom sorting activity where the children used tongs to transfer pompoms from one basket to the other. This enhances eye hand coordination skills as well as their Palmer grasp skills ( as they practice squeezing the tongs open and closed and retrieving each pom pom).
- We also had a math activity using pompoms.We matched the correct amount of pompoms to the number and to circles on a log ( with a morahs help). This activity enhances cognition skills.
- Lastly we had a geometric stacker with coloured wooden pieces, this activity enhances size and shape recognition, hand and eye coordination and problem solving skills, it encourages visual discrimination, and sorting skills.

We had Yoga with Morah Rachel, we practiced our breathing skills and did a a bunch of different yoga poses that the kids seem to be really good at. Their favorite seems to be the parachute, we listened to her live calming songs while the parachute raised up and down observing the colours of it.

We made mirrors to look at our gorgeous faces.

During davening circle the children had the chance to learn about the importance of giving back and helping others, as we welcomed our Tzedakah box to the room. We also had our weekly shabbat party where Jonah S. was Shabbat abba. He did an amazing job pouring the grape juice and saying the bracha. We made delicious challahs and personalized out challah bags.

We made self portraits this week, we creatively divided the work so the children completed a portion of it each day, creating their first class project.. Can a Toddler design their face? We started off with mixing brown and white paint together and adding a touch of pink to create the perfect skin tones to match theirs. Then we added sticker eyes, twisting pipe cleaners to create the mouth, twigs for arms ( some children said it was their ears ) and beautiful curly doll hair into the different lengths of our actual hair.

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