Monday, November 18, 2019

Fall Unit PreNursey 2

by PN2 Morah Dominique 

" Children need the freedom to appreciate the infinite resources of their hands, their eyes and their ears, the resources of forms, materials, sounds and colours." Loris Malaguzzi 

Our Fall Unit was packed with learning, play, excitement and discoveries! We explored different textures, colours, shapes and sizes of nature elements such as branches, leaves and sticks.
With their bodies and minds, concepts of cause and effect, autumn season, numeracy, quantity, specific vocabulary and autonomy were learned through play and whole body development.

The Children had the opportunity to use their senses to understand what happens with leaves, branches and soil during the fall season through a variety of learning opportunities including water bin, tissue gluing on a branch, leaf printing/stamping, and nature hunt games.

We enjoyed our rainy day to the fullest by creating unique marks with wet chalks outside, observing the water falling from the sky, investigating how different the toys and surroundings change when it is raining. We also enjoyed socializing with our peers. 

At the end of the second week our fall panel was looking INCREDIBLE and UNIQUE because the hands and minds of those who created the meaningful artworks are what matters the most, as well as how we make the learning process memorable and joyful!

See you all on our next great unit!

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