PN2 Morah Dominique and Morah Jackie
Wow! We have done so many AMAZING learning opportunities throughout this beautiful unit that contemplates family heritage, traditions, and the unique perspective of a child! And the most important part of all of it was to see every child's smile and learning that took place in their minds and bodies throughout the whole process. Therefore, if you are ready to follow us through this fantastic world of discoveries just scroll down the page and enjoy it!
For Rosh Hashana, we explored drama and pretend play with the holiday's symbols; created our own shofars out of golden tissue paper; explored our senses with apple stamping, colouring and footprints; discovered the taste of honey and how honeybees look like during our guest speaker presentation: the beekeeper; painted jars to our lovely families, sorted the different colours of apples with blocks/pom poms; and sang songs together!
The idea of introducing Yom Kippur to our age group was to focus on their self image, sense of self and emotion regulation. Based on their interests, we implemented provocations that included our paper flip flops, the story and art of Jonah and the whale, catching fish, paper foil mirror creation, and a white collage to represent the sense of reflection.
When it comes to Sukkot, our main purpose was to recreate the holiday feeling of family, sense of belonging, and life celebration with all the children during the week. We had the opportunity to provoke their curiosity with a variety of open-ended materials to build their own sukkahs as well as to expand their knowledge with different shapes of buildings, numeracy and concepts like inside and outside. Furthermore, we visited our big Sukkah and observed its structure which amazed everyone of them!
Last but not least, we celebrated Simchat Torah by creating beautiful flags made out felt and stickers so children could have the chance to develop their sensory motor integration and expressive language with new words. We also brought the holiday celebration outside when we pretended to be flags all around by wiggling our bodies and running together.
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