Hello Pre Nursery 2 Parents,
We have been so busy in our class learning about Shavuot. The children have been counting the omer since we came back from Pesach break. We have been "climbing" up Har Sinai every day marking off each day as it came. We are so excited that we are now at the top. The children know that Moshe went all the way to the top of Har Sinai to get the Torah. They know some special rules in the Torah like keeping Shabbat and honouring our parents. They also know that the Torah is such a special present that the mountains were arguing about who would be honoured with getting the Torah on it. Har Sinai got that special job because She was very humble.
The children worked on very special centre pieces for your yom tov tables. We hope these help to enhance this special time.
We sang some fun songs in circle time about the Torah and about Shavuot. The children were so excited to have the opportunity to hold the "Torah" and walk around the circle to show it to their friends.
One of our favourite Shavuot songs is:
Little Torah, little Torah,
Let me hold you tight,
Teach me, teach me,
All the mitzvot,
So I may do things right.
Torah teaches every Jew,
Torah, Torah we love you!!
It is so hard to believe that this school year is almost over already. I wanted to thank all of you so much for the opportunity, pleasure and privilege of teaching all of your precious children. Our year at school has been full of fun, learning, new experiences and lots of happy times. The children have not just grown in size, they have grown socially, cognitively and emotionally. I am so proud of each and every one of them for all of the great things that they accomplished this year.
I wish all of you a happy, safe and fun summer and I hope that all of your beautiful children continue to be a great source of nachas and pride for all of you.
Thank you so much,
Morah Shelley
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