The past few weeks have been very exciting. Preparing for Chanukah has been so much fun. We made beautiful dreidels and latke people. The children also made beautiful Chanukah crowns and Chanukiot.
We painted with potatoes and enjoyed activities matching Chanukah candles by colour. We also did some water and oil experiments and learned that oil is lighter than water and always floats to the top. We also made delicious dreidels with.pretzels, marshmallows, chocolate chips and Wow Butter.
The children had the opportunity to experience a fun sensory experience when they played with oil and olives in a plastic bag. They were amazed by the concept and enjoyed the sensory experience as well.
You could just feel the excitement in the air as we learned the story of Chanukah and so many beautiful songs. It’s hard to pick just a few songs because they are all our favourites!!
This is how we tell the Chanukah story in Pre Nursery 2.
A long, long, long, long time ago there was a mean king named Antiochus. He was so mean and he did not have nice manners. He made the Bait Hamikdash so dirty and messy. He threw dirt on the floor and broke so many things and he didn’t even tidy up. He didn’t want the Jewish people to celebrate Shabbat... no challah, no grape juice, and no candles... he was so mean. But... Yehuda Macabee and his brothers made a Jewish army who were brave and strong and they fought and won. They sent Antiochus and his people away. Hashem helped them win the war. They cleaned up the Beit Hamikdash and found some oil to light the menorah and Hashem helped them again and the menorah burned for 8 days just in time to get new oil.
Chanukah songs:
1. Anticochus the wicked king
Did to the Jews a terrible thing
He made the holy temple unclean
And besides he was so mean
That’s not fair Yehuda Macabee did say
He and his soldiers chased Antiochus away
They found a little shemen, it was quite a sight
And Hashem let the shemen burn for 8 days and nights.
2. I’m a little latka round and brown
Here is my upside, here is my down
I am so delicious take a bite and eat me up on Chanukah night.
Sizzle, sizzle,sizzle in the pan
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle in the pan
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle in the pan
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle in the pan.
The children were so excited to bring Chanukah into our classroom. We are looking forward to sharing some Chanukah songs and excitement with all of you on Friday.
Chag Chanukah Sameach,
Morah Shelley and Morah Shani
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