Dear parents,
This week we continued to explore the season of fall and the changes taking place around us.
We had a weather graph and each child chose to put their name under a different description of the weather. We then went outside to see what the weather is. We noticed that it was a sunny and cool day. Morah showed us a giant thermometer. One of the yeladim said that it looks like a measuring stick. Morah said that this is a special kind of measuring stick that measures weather and it is called a "thermometer" We noticed that the red was at the number 20.
We then went back inside and coloured thermometer on the board up to the 20. Each day we have been checking and recording the temperature. We have also been comparing the weather to see if it was warmer or colder than yesterday.
We learned a fun song about weather with Hebrew weather vocabulary words. We love to do the motions while we sing it!
Mr. Mezeg Haavir
Tell me the weather loud and clear
Is the Shemesh shining bright
Or is there Ruach to fly a kite
Is the Geshem pouring down
Or is there Sheleg on the ground
We strengthened our fine motor muscles tearing paper and we used the paper to create a fall collage. Each child created something unique and beautiful. Come and have a look!
We read the book Growing Vegetable Soup by Louis Ehlert.
As an extension of the book each child brought a vegetable for show and Share. We got to feel and smell each vegetable.
Then we peeled, cooked and mashed the vegetables to make a delicious soup of our own!
We enjoyed a variety of sensory activities including goop making and water play with fishing.
We shaped letter Hey with play dough and pushed straws into the shape. We also sorted and matched letters of the Alef Bet. We loved meeting our new puppet friend Letter Hey and we made a Letter Hey train as well.
We decided to go on a "holiday". This play was completely organized by the children themselves. Imaginative play is such an important part of your child's day. Through dramatic play they experiment with decision making and practice their social skills. Look at those happy faces!
Next week we will begin our unit of Art.
Shabbat Shalom,
Morah Chayala and Morah Chaya
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