Thursday, May 16, 2019

Dear Pre Nursery 2 Parents,

The past few weeks have been very busy ones in our classroom. For our 'Around the World" unit we learned about Italy. We learned that Italy is shaped like a boot and we learned that people in Italy like to eat pizza.

We made a beautiful, big and yummy looking group pizza. We all worked so hard painting on the 'sauce' and adding all of the toppings.

The children also created beautiful flags of Italy. They sorted colours green, red and white.

Next, we worked on a beautiful blue and white collage in honour of Israel's 71st birthday.

Israel day was a very special day in our class. The children had so much fun 'flying' to Israel and enjoying their visits to a few cities there. They had the opportunity to make delicious orange juice, they wrote notes for the Kotel and they made beautiful bracelets and hamsa pictures.It was such a fun day and the children were so happy.

We love our Imma's so in honour of Mother's Day the children created beautiful teapot cards and they decorated pretty jewelry boxes. It was such a special time for the children when they were able to share muffins with their moms.

Our next unit was about kibbud av v'aim, honouring our parents. The children created beautiful house crafts to depict shalom bayit and living peacefully with our families. They also made abba and imma puppets.

Now that the nice weather is finally here we have been enjoying lots of outdoor play time. It has been great for the children to be able to play and enjoy their time outside.

As always, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and sweet children with us.
Looking forward to more fun and excitement in our classroom.

Morah Shelley and Morah Jackie

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