Thursday, March 22, 2018

Pesach Prep in Nursery!

Pesach is almost here and the Nursery class is ready! This week we learned the Pesach story with pictures, songs and stories! We learned that many years ago we were slaves in Mitzrayim! We created our own Mitzrayim by making Pyramids, Pharoah and frogs jumping everywhere. We watched as Princess Batya (aka Morah Batya) took the baby out of the water,  we built huge pyramids and we pretended to be King Pharaoh.  The children read to each other from the different Pesach books and shared their thoughts about the different Makkot. It was incredible to watch them exploring each plague and discussing them. 


With Coach Zev, we hopped around the room like frogs and did different activities like crossing the Yamsuf. The children really enjoyed!


We have also been learning about the Passover Seder and the order. The children have learned there are 3 Matzvot (Cohen, Levi and Yisrael) and that we break the middle matzah. We drink four cups of wine and the children had a chance to taste two different kinds of grape juices and compare which one they liked best. We also talked about the Marror and Salty water; how they remind us of the salty tears and bitter times in Mitzrayim. The children are singing all day and are found in the drama center pretending to have a seder!  

We enjoyed reading a variety of books about Pesach.

The children have also been doing many different Literacy activities in the class. They have used letters, Frog letters and been tracing letters too!  The children also like finding the letters of their name and then say "Z is for........" 

For Science, we observed how Yeast rises. We discussed what is chametz and then watched how when yeast is mixed with water and sugar, it bubbles and grows. It was fascinating!

We also played a game where we searched the class for Chametz. The children each had a chance to be blindfolded and then search the room for Chametz!

We also had fun pretending to make Matzah in our Matzah factory!
 The children were saying "Stand back, you don't want to get burnt" 

Yoga with Caterina was so much fun this week! We did so many new exercises. 

Looking forward to more fun activities this week!

A special Thank you to Eitan Markin's bubbie for making our class this special Challah Cover! We are so grateful! 

Pesach in Pre Nursery!

The past few weeks have been so action packed! Here is a look at some of the highlights of our Pesach Unit! 

Math and numeracy time counting the numbered cups and building pyramids 

 Bingo dapper pyramid art 

 All ready to learn the story of Pesach with our puppet show!

Some of the songs we have been sining to learning the story of Pesach are:

Bang Bang (Work Song)
Bang, bang, bang, hold your hammer low.
Bang, bang, bang, give a heavy blow.
For it's work, work, work, every day and every night.
For it's work, work, work, when it's dark and when it's light.
Dig, dig, dig, dig your shovels deep.
Dig, dig, dig, there's no time for sleep.
For it's work, work, work, every day and every night.
For it's work, work, work, when it's dark and when it's light.

One Morning (The Frog Song)
One morning when Pharaoh woke in his bed,
There were frogs in his bed and frogs on his head, 
Frogs on his nose and frogs on his toes,
Frogs here, frogs there,
Frogs were jumping everywhere.

Listen, King Pharaoh
Oh listen, oh listen, oh listen King Pharaoh. 
Oh listen, oh listen, please let my people go. 
The want to go away.
They work too hard all day.
King Pharaoh, King Pharaoh, What do you say?
No, no, no, I will not let them go. No, no, no, I will not let them go.

We love to explore different materials for deep sensory enrichment, we were "bang bang banging our hammers low!"  

 We loved learning about baby Moshe in his basket going down the river ! Dramatic play this unit really assists in the learning the story of Pesach

"One morning when pre nursery awoke for the day there were frogs in our....classroom!"

 Making our frogs with different tools adds such interesting textures!

 Light table pyramids, activities like this invite the children to work together, take turns and problem solve with one another. 

 What are frogs without their jumping feet! With this fine motor activity we folded are feet and glued them on, they are ready to jump around the classroom!

 Science time inspecting lettuce for our seder table

 Sports with coach Zev! 

 Making Maror for our placemats! 

 Stamping our Haggadah's


 Seder Plate matching 

children are typically capable of physically engaging with things on their own. By pre nursery age they have gained some language to begin describing and discussing their experiences. With our Pesach unit we made such interesting first memories of science investigating different tastes, what happens when we mix flour and water, what happens when we mix blue and red together and more! 

 Maror madness! 

 MMMM Matzah 

 Making our glittery cups of wine!

 Parachute gross motor time! 

 Practicing our Bracha's for our Seder, and getting tp taste a sweet treat, grape juice! 

 Bubble wrap matzah painting! 

 Saying hello from our Torah Tots Matzah Bakery! 

 Model Magic matzah clay for our matzah bakery!

 shaving cream matzah shapes!

Matzah cover collaging! 

 Water and flour experiment, what will happen? Matzah! 

We can't wait for you to join us for our model Seder to see first hand all the learning we've done and how much fun we've had!