Thursday, February 1, 2018

Pre Nursery Tu B'Shevat

This week we have been learning all about Tu B'Shevat! We learned  about the trees and what they give to us and how thankful we are to them! we also talked about our families and how they make up  our special family tree. Above is a picture of the beautiful work we did and all the wonderful family trees that make up or class! 

This week we practiced saying thank-you to the trees for all the yummy fruits they give to us! One of our science activities was examining and exploring different fruits that come from trees. We then got to use our fine motor and tasting skills making fruit kabobs! 

Tree Show and Share! 

 We loved making birthday hats for the trees and marching singing our Tu B'Shevat songs! 

Tu, Tu, Tu B'shevat, Tu B'shevat is on its way. Clap, clap, clap our hands, It's a happy holiday. Stamp, stamp, stamp our feet, Now's the time to sing and play 'Cause Tu B'shevat's a birthday, The birthday of the trees. Plant, plant, plant a seed, Plant a seed right in the ground. Rain, rain, rain will fall, Raindrops falling all around. Sun, sun, sun will shine, Shining brightly in the sky To help the trees grow up so high, Help them grow so high. Grow, grow, start to grow Like the trees we see outside. Stretch, stretch, stretch up high, Branches reaching very wide. Sway, sway side to side, Leaves are dancing in the breeze To celebrate a birthday, The birthday of the trees.

So much fun with coach Zev! 

Matching the colours to make a beautiful flower garden! 

We made different tree shapes and used our bubble wrap to make the outlines! 

Filling up the fruit tree with different coloured bingo dabbers!

 Sensory fun making leaves with our shaving cream!

Decorting planters! 

Tree provocation! 

One of our morning activities was matching the number stickers to the numbered apples on the tree! We're introducing visual cues to learn our numbers! 

 Green tree play dough!
what amazing bakers we have! 

Children learn best when engaging all their senses. With planting, kids can touch and feel the dirt, seeds and flowers, see the vibrant colors and varied sizes of the plants. Allowing all the senses to be involved helps kids understand and grasp the concept of gardening and planting along with all the math and scientific concepts that go along with it.

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