Saturday, February 10, 2018

Nursery travel into Space!!!

Torah Tots is really out of this world! Literally!! We went into Space and we travelled in Style in our own NASA Rocket Ship! We helped line the entire drama centre with Tin foil and then we made the top of the Rocket altogether by glueing on shiny Paper! We then took a trip to the moon and even did a Moon Walk. We counted all together, 10,9,8,7.......1 blast off and then we waved goodbye to the small little dot called Earth.

We then began to create our own "Solar System". We started by painting the sun red and yellow! We also decorated the moon with buttons and stones as it is very bumpy on the moon! We then added the planets which we bingo dabbed with different colours! 

We learned about stars and how we can see them through a telescope. In the sky, there are many different stars and we can see pictures in the sky with the stars.  We sometimes can also see shooting stars in the sky. We made our pictures using stars and we even patterned using stars and rocks. 

And then we made our own stars which we decorated and added our pictures too! We are all superstars in Torah Tots!

In our previous unit, we learned about Community Helpers and how they play a big role in our lives. We scheduled a visit with a dentist and she was able to come in for a visit this Friday. Dr Sara Werb, a pediatric dentist brought along a tooth and we brushed away the plaque on the tooth with a big toothbrush. 
She taught us how to brush our teeth with  a cute little song:

Up the Flowers 
Down like the Rain 
Back and Forth like a Choo Choo Train

What an incredible week! Looking forward to another great week!

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