Saturday, January 27, 2018

Community Helpers in Nursery


We have just finished an exciting unit on community helpers and how they help us in our community. We have learned more about how they help us and how we can stay healthy and be safe.

We first began learning about what doctors do and we made a doctors office in our drama centre.We had a doctors kit, a waiting room and lots of dolls were being checked out. The children even checked the teachers temperature and gave a prescription. We made a doctors kit and we learned about all the tools in the kit. We even added bandaids. We then had two amazing visits from two doctors in our school, Eitans mother who is an Optometrist and Miri's mom who is a GP.

Eitans mom,  Dr Markin showed us how she checks eyes. She showed us a 3D card and we used glasses to pinch the flies wings. Dr Markin explained she can see if someone needs glasses through this exercise. She also read us a book about how we use our eyes to see the world around us and told us we are so lucky to be able to see Hashem's beautiful world.

Miris mom brought lots of toys for us to touch. She brought stethoscopes and some doctor's tools she uses. She gave all the children bandaids ! She taught the children how it is so important to use a tissue and cough into their sleeves. She also talked about how we need to eat healthy foods and wash our hands properly. 

Thank you so much for taking the time from your busy day to come visit us in our classroom. 
We really enjoyed it! 
We made our own xrays and did different matching activities. 
We also pretended to be pharmacists and we put the medicine into the different shapes.

We also learned about  Dentists! We will be having a visit from a dentist in a few weeks. We learned how important it is to brush our teeth. We practised brushing our teeth in class with paint and toothbrushes. We also practised flossing using blocks and string. 

Then on Monday we had another visitor, Maya Leightons mommy. She came in
 to talk to us about her work helping the Israeli Soldiers. She told us how she tries to help them as they work hard and protect our homeland, Israel. She even handed out books for us to bring home and share with our families.  Thank you so much for coming in! 

We then began learning about the people in our community that help us to stay safe. We learned about how the policeman will help people to drive safely, how to be safe in their homes and out in our community! We learned when we need the police, firemen or ambulance we dial 911!
We learned that if we ever get lost when we are out in the mall or in an open space, we should tell a policeman we are lost!
We made police badges and cars.....

Last but not least we learned about Fire safety as we played the game STOP, DROP and ROLL. We made our own fire truck and cute fire men hands. We discussed what a fireman does and we even acted out how the fireman can save people in lots of different ways.

 We also had fun with literacy and writing out names using wooden pieces.  Many of the children recognized letters of their own name and were excited to find their letters.

We also had an amazing Yoga class with Catalina....

We had so much fun! Looking forward to another great week as we learn about Tu B'shvat!