Sunday, February 5, 2017

Tu Bshvat and Brachot

Dear parents,

We have been so busy learning about the upcoming birthday of the Trees "Tu B'Shvat"! We learned that just like people have birthdays the trees also have a birthday. We learned that there are seven kinds of foods that grow in Israel and we got to taste some of them. We tasted figs, dates, grapes and pomegranate. These foods are called the "Shivat Haminim".

Here we are tasting figs at circle time. 

We built beautiful structures using toothpicks and grapes. This was a great way to explore math concepts like 3D shapes. Some friends built houses which were made of a square and triangle. Thus was also a great fine motor exercise.

We used tree discs to practice our number recognition and 1:1 correspondence using beads and playdough

 Thank you for all of the delicious fruit that fruit that you brought to school on Wednesday! We cut up the fruit and made fruit skewers with beautiful patters.

We dissected a pomegranate and ate the seeds for snack!

We learned to identify the different parts of the tree.

This week we learned about the different Brachot that we say before we eat. We sorted foods that grow form the ground and foods that grow on a tree and learned the bracha that we say on each food.

We baked delicious banana Muffins and learnd the Bracha that we say on it.

We peeled and mashed the bananas and followed the recipe taking turns to measure and pour in the ingredients.

We learned that grape juice has its own Bracha of Hagafen. We squeezed grapes and strained them to get grape juice. We spoke about how we make grape juice to day in factories and how grape juice was made in the olden days.

Some other activities: Baking Challah

Making shapes using the geo boards

Alef Bet name stamping

Finding the Alef bet in the oats

Signing in


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