Sunday, February 26, 2017

Planets and outer space!

These past two weeks we took off into the world of Outer Space! 

Heres some of the fun we had...

We made Space ships! 

Decorating the night sky 

Sensory Bags with a bit of space in them! Sensory bags are a great way for kids to expand their sense of touch, creativity, and adventure!

Making Glittery Stars with Q-tips, Such a fun fine motor art activity! 

Counting the rocks on the moon! 

Sports with Coach Zev!

Making Moon Sand! 

It was so much much making our class planetarium (on display in school) 

Alien Play-Dough Provocation!

Nursery JK Outer Space 2

Outer Space Unit

Dear parents,
This week we continued to explore the planets and outer space. Thank you for all of the cardboard boxes that you brought to school! We had so much fun experimenting with them in the block center and using our great imaginations to incorporate them in our play. Some of our friends used the boxes to build a giant rocket ship. We then voted on which colours to paint our rocket ship and the winning colours were black and silver.  We painted our rocket ship and then cut and coloured astronauts to add to the rocket ship! 


 We learned the names and some characteristics of the planets. We learned that Mercury is the closest to the sun, Jupiter is the largest planet, Saturn and Uranus have rings and much more. We learned that Hashem put Planet earth in just the right spot which is not to close to the sun which would be to hot and not to far away from the sun which would be too cold!

Here is our Planet Song: 
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
These are the eight planets
Shining in the universe

We matched the 3D planets to the planet pictures and identified each by name.

 We made chocolate pudding and put it into ziplocks with straws to eat like astronauts!

We read the book "If I went to the Moon" By Sara Blau and we each had a chance to tell the class what we would like to bring on our trip to the moon.

Aleph Bet sorting activity

Shalom Letter Lamed! The first letter of the name of our friend Lilah!

Painting on our outdoor easel in the beautiful weather!