Friday, December 23, 2016

Chanukah 2!

Happy Chanukah! These past weeks we have had so much fun learning and playing in our Chanukah Unit 

 Making our dreidel sun catchers was such a neat way to decorate our class for the holiday season! It's also an excellent fine motor art activity. 

During circle, Morah Shternie taught our class all about the story of Chanukah. Above we were acting out hiding learning the torah by playing dreidel in the caves. 

 This week we put a Chanukah spin on our sensory bin

Preparing out costumes for our Chanukah concert! 

Latkes were on the menu this week in our daily living centre. A young child's family and home are the biggest part of his or her world. The imitation of what happens there and in the world around them is the central focus of how children play. Children act out and explore the lives of people by acting out their work, their feelings, and their words.

Sequencing our dreidels from smallest to biggest was a great way to incorporate the unit into our math centre   

 Working on our Chanukah crafts! 

Counting the candles on the Menorah! 

Counting with our latkes 

Chag Chanukah Sameach! 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Nuersery JK Chanukah 1


 We began our Chanukah unit learning all about Fire Safety. We learned that fire is very dangerous and an adult needs to help us light the Menorah. We practiced "stop, drop and roll" and pretended to be firemen putting our a fire made or shaving cream using spray bottles.

We were so excited to meet real firefighters who showed us all of the protective gear and spoke to us about fire safety. We even got a chance to go inside the fire engine and hold the water hose.

 We strengthened our muscles while mashing model magic to form latkas for our drama center. Our Chanukah kitchen was complete with potatoes, egg cartons, frying pans, spatulas and baker hats. We got busy baking latkas and getting into the Chanukah spirit.

We used used straws to blow paint and we also used dreidels to spin paint on our 3D dreidels, now hanging in our classroom. 

We have been introducing the use of loose parts in the block centerand it has been fascinating to see the children use their creativity with open ended material to create beautiful structures. Here the children are using tiles to decorate a menorah. Some children used the tiles to create a key board and computer.

We have been learning the Chanukah story with puppet charachters as well as acting out the story ourselves. Pictured the children are hiding in caves to learn Torah and pretending the play dreidel.

Here the children went on a hunt for a jar of pure olive oil and after searching we finally finally found it! 

Here we are practicing for our Chanukah concert and we are marching like Macabees.

As a science experiment we tried to put out a fire with a spray bottle and by covering it with a glass.

We put Chanukah candles into cups with numbers, working on our number recognition and 1:1 correspondence. 

Fine motor exercise pushing the Chanukah candles into play dough and forming Menorahs.  

 We made our own beautiful Menorahs using tile. We can't wait to light our Menorahs on Chanukah. We have been practicing the Brachot every day!

We learned about the process of making olive oil and squeezed olives to make olive juice.

We used candles to make pictures and then painted over the drawings watching the invisible wax drawings appear.

 We measured gems and dreidels to see which weighed more/less.

We decorated our macabbee sheilds for our costumes for the concert.

 We melted crayons using a blow dryer learning the effects of heat on wax.

Here we are finding and matching the letters of our names.

We had a blast in the snow making snow angels, painting the snow and building snow forts.