Friday, October 21, 2016

Yom Kippur and Sukkot!

The past few weeks have been so busy but so fun in the pre nursery class! we've been learning all about all the special holidays.

For Yom Kippur we learned about friendship and being kind to one another using our fine motor skills and sensory by making a friendship mural

For some of our older friends in the clasroom we learned about the happy and sad things we do by putting rocks in our measurement scale. On Yom Kippur Hashem comes and takes all of sad rocks away for us!

For Sukkos we learned a new song about shaking the lulav and esrog in the sukkah and got to sing it in the sukkah!

Did you ever shake a lulv a lulav 
did you ever shake a lulav on a sukkos day 
shake upwards 
and downwards
shake backwards and frontwards 
did you ever shake a lulav on a sukkos day!

 We painted our very own classroom sukkah and make esrog out of playdough 

Our mad scientist in the class found out what happens when you take a citrus fruit and mix it with baking soda, it was very cool!

 discoving all the materials we have the class worked together to build sukkahs out of many different things 

For Simchat Torah we took a trip to the shul to see the real torah and get to kiss it!! it was so special 

I hope all of you and your families have had some wonderful chag and time together 
shabbat shalom and chag sameach 

Morah Carly and Morah Hardar 

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