Children use A hundred languages to express themselves. Words, symbols, sounds, music, art, etc. It is through those languages we learn about the children and what is important to them. this week we started our 100 languages of Art unit. We've spent the week exploring different mediums of art, leaning about famous artists, and working on all of our colours! With our Reggio inspired approach we allow the child’s interests to direct their learning and art. With that they will create something that they savour and love!
We started our week with our work on Alef-Bet this is a project that will be continuous throughout the year with the children making their own Alef-Bet books to take home to share with you!

Mixing and Matching our Primary colours!
Music with Morah Shirley!
Colour Sorting! we incorporated fine motor skills with our colour recognition!

Self directed art enables the children to learn from one another and themselves
Crayon Portraits!
Pipe cleaner strainer fun!
This lesson teaches students about Monet and Impressionism, they created their own flower water colour impressionist piece just like Monet's Water Lillies!

Sensory with art this week was so fun! we used shaving cream and food colouring to mix our secondary colours!
Using Q-tips, children made their own pointillism paintings in the style of Georges Seurat.
This week we had a very special Guest Artist Vera who came in and taught us all about art!
We are so excited to continue our work in the next two weeks to come, the culmination of this unit will be on display November 2nd in our art gallery for PTA