Friday, September 8, 2017

Torah Tots Rosh Hashanah Week 1!

We had such a wonderful first week at Torah Tots! 

We wasted no time and jumped right into all of our learning and exploring for our first unit: Rosh Hashanah!

There were so many activities this week that taught us all about the New Year! Here are just some of the exciting things we've done:

With our art discovery project of making apples, we incorporated our fine motor skills by glueing and pasting to create beautiful red apples to decorate our room. We also made Shofars with our Nursery friends, who were working on their scissor skills by cutting out their beautiful shofars, and our pre-nursery friends sponge painted them! 


Sensory activities were a big hit this week! We made pictures and mixed colours with shaving cream, felt the honey with our honey bags, and “cooked” with our macaroni bin! Providing opportunities for children to actively use their senses as they explore their world through sensory play leads to a child’s ability to complete more complex learning tasks and supports cognitive growth, language development, gross motor skills, social interaction, and problem solving skills.

Science discovery with our Nursery friends was so much fun this week. We used magnifying glasses to make finger print patterns! We counted the blows of the shofar, we built a bee hive with our blocks, and we dissected the Rimon so we could count all the seeds inside! Our science activities are perfect for our young scientists, they are a great introduction to higher learning concepts, and they spark curiosity. They help your children develop questions, problem solve, and find answers.


During circle times we were always learning something new,  such as how bees make honey, and we even tasted the sweet treat! We blew the shofar and made the sounds of the shofar during music and movement and we also learned our Rosh Hashanah songs! 

We finished our week with Musical Shabbat Party and Music Class with Morah Shirley!


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