Sunday, April 2, 2017


 Dear parents,

There has been so much learning going on in our classroom that it is hard to know where to start! We have been learning all about life in Mitzrayim/Egypt at the time of the Pesach story. Painting an Egypt backdrop for our Pesach story was a great group effort.

We built pyramids usung different mediums such as cups, sugar cubes, Wedgits and Magan Tiles.

 We reenacted the story of Miryam watching over baby as he floated in the basket in the Nile River. We learned that Paroah didn't wasn't Yocheved and Miryam to take care of the baby boys but they were so brave and they didn't listen to him. Princess Batya found baby Moshe and raised him in the palace. When baby Moshe grew up he saw how hard the Jewish people were working for Paroah. Hashem spoke to him from the burning bush and told him to go to Paroah and tell him to let the Jewish people go. Paroah didn't listen so Hashem brought Makkos/plagues. First blood, frogs, lice, wild animals, darkness and when Paroah was worried that he would get sick because he was the first born he ran to Moshe and said "I will let the Jewish People go!"


We counted frogs and transferred them with tweezers. We also made adorable frogs that are hanging in our classroom!

 We learned that when the Jewish people left Mitzrayim they didn't have enough time to let the dough rise so it became Matzah. We experimented with flour and water with yeast and without yeast and noticed that the mixture with the yeast grew while the mixture without the yeast was flat like Matzah.

We made our own mini matzah bakery in our drama center.

The Matzah bakery was such a great hands on way to learn about Matzah!

We made Bedikat Chametz- Chametz searching kits, writing our names and "bedikat Chametz" in hebrew!

We painted goblets for Eliyahu Hanavi

We baked Alef Bet Cookies!

Sports with Zev!

 Gross motor fun outdoors!

Happy birthday to Shmuel and Devyn!!

Mazel Tov Morah Chaya on your engagement!

Shabbat Shalom!

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