Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Rainforest Unit- Coconut Exploration

Our interest table is always full of items connected to the current unit for our preschoolers to explore. While learning about the Rainforest there was a coconut that had caught all of our attention. 

At circle time Morah said: "Lets feel the coconut!"

Each child had a turn to feel the coconut.

 Jayme: "Coconut!!"

Macey: pointing to the coconut "eyes, nose"

Zale: "Where is the mouth?"

Morah: "Listen to the coconut, what do you hear?"

Asher: "Water"

Micha: "Milk, cut it"

Meir: Holds the shakers with pasta and water and shakes them. He says "the coconut sounds like this one" pointing to the shaker filled with water.

Morah: What does the coconut smell like?

Micha: "It smells like milk"

Asher: "It smells like drink milk"

Yakira: "Eww"

Morah: "How can we open it?"

Zale: "Crack it"
Micha: "Cut it"
Meir " Crack on the floor"

Morah tried each of those ideas but it didn't work. Then Morah showed everyone a hammer that she had brought and used the hammer to crack the coconut!!

 This was such an amazing learning experience which was lead by the children's curiosity.

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