Thursday, November 5, 2015

All About Me

All About Me Unit

We began out new unit by learning the names of our body parts and playing the classic game of potato head!

We traced and painted a giant "ME" on mural paper

We painted our hands to make handprints. We learned that we each are special and unique!

We brought our baby pictures to school to show our friends. We were the cutest babies. Look how much we've grown!

We each made a collage using our favorite colour

We measured ourselves. Look how tall we are!

We decorated a mini "ME"

We explored our senses by painting with spices....

baking cinnamon cookies...

Feeling sensory gloves...

Texture painting with paint and salt...

Sensory gloves...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Rainforest Unit- Coconut Exploration

Our interest table is always full of items connected to the current unit for our preschoolers to explore. While learning about the Rainforest there was a coconut that had caught all of our attention. 

At circle time Morah said: "Lets feel the coconut!"

Each child had a turn to feel the coconut.

 Jayme: "Coconut!!"

Macey: pointing to the coconut "eyes, nose"

Zale: "Where is the mouth?"

Morah: "Listen to the coconut, what do you hear?"

Asher: "Water"

Micha: "Milk, cut it"

Meir: Holds the shakers with pasta and water and shakes them. He says "the coconut sounds like this one" pointing to the shaker filled with water.

Morah: What does the coconut smell like?

Micha: "It smells like milk"

Asher: "It smells like drink milk"

Yakira: "Eww"

Morah: "How can we open it?"

Zale: "Crack it"
Micha: "Cut it"
Meir " Crack on the floor"

Morah tried each of those ideas but it didn't work. Then Morah showed everyone a hammer that she had brought and used the hammer to crack the coconut!!

 This was such an amazing learning experience which was lead by the children's curiosity.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


The holiday of Pesach is so rich with hands on learning experiences, from tasting the seder foods to baking the Matzah to searching for Chametz. 

In Pre-Nursery Pesach was not just a subject, it really came to life!

We learned that we drink four cups of grape juice on Pesach. We practiced pouring four cups of water on our own trying not to spill :)

We pretended to be real matzah bakers in our Drama Center rolling play dough Matzahs while wearing baker hats!! 

We had such a great learning experience at the Matzah factory where we got to bake Matzah from scratch, starting with preparing the actual Wheat kernels all the way to the final product!

We learned that on Pesach we eat bitter Maror because the Jews' lives were so bitter. We did a taste test to explore all of the different tastes. We tasted salty Pretzels, sweet chocolate chips, sour pickles and bitter maror (romaine lettuce). 

Look at the expressions of the Yeladim as they taste the bitter Maror!

We heard the story of the Jewish slavery in Egypt and we pretended to be the Jews in Egypt building Pyramids with Dixie cups and out of moon sand.

We did bedikat Chametz- the traditional search Chametz in which we collected ten pieces of Chametz using a feather and a spoon. This activity was a great fine motor exercise!

We had a beautiful model Seder! It was such a nice way to sum up everything that we have learned and to experience the Seder first hand! We got to eat real Matzah, Maror, Charoset and egg. We also drank some Yummy grape juice and sang the Ma Nishtana so beautifully!! 

Leshana Haba-ah Beyerushalayim! May we merit to celebrate Pesach in Jerusalem!