Sunday, June 4, 2017

Shavuot Nursery Jk

This week we learned all about the Holiday of Shavuot. We learned about how Hashem asked all of the nations if they wanted the Torah and only the Jewish people didn't ask what was written inside the Torah. They said "Naaseh Venishmah" We will do and then we will listen. 

Here is the song that we sang as we acted out the story using puppets:

Hashem gave us a present-
Do you know what it was?
He gave us the Torah
So we could keep its laws

He asked the other nations
"Do you want this gift of Mine?"
But they said no thank You
For Torah there's no time

Then to Bnai Yisroel
Hashem did go
We said Naaseh Vnishma 
Cuz we love Hashem so

Then to Bnai Yisroel

Hashem did go
We said Naaseh Vnishma
Cuz we love Hashem so!!

We learned about the mountains that were showing off that they are so tall/wide and the Torah will be given on them. Little Har Sinai was so humble and that is why Hashem chose to give the Torah on it. 

Here is the song that we sang about the mountains:
I am a mountain so very high 
I can reach way up to the sky 
The Torah should be given on me 
For I am as tall as can be, you see 

oh No! I am much greater than you 
There are so many things I can do 
The Torah should be given on me 
For I am as strong as can be, you see 

But little Har Sinai just stood there and sighed, 
"I know I'm not tall, I know I'm not wide 
The Torah can't be given on me 
 For I am as small as can be, you see

But from all the mountains Hashem chose Sinai 
Because he did not hold himself high 
He had such simple and humble ways 
And from here we learn humility pays

Here are some of the activities that we have been busy with this week:

We have been practicing our numbers and counting by putting beautiful Shavuot flowers into the corresponding flower pots.

Our Drama center became an ice cream shop! We were given paper and markers which we used to write shopping lists and make money. The Dramatic play is a great meaningful way to incorporate literacy into our day. When print has meaning children are more motivated to read and write.

We learned that on Shavuot we have a custom to eat dairy foods like ice cream because the Jewish people ate only dairy when they got the Torah so that they would have time to study the laws of Kosher.

We painted flowers and decorated flower pots with tissue paper. We planted flowers for Shavuot centerpieces and we are excited to water them and watch them grow!

We learned that a special person called a Sofer/scribe writes a Torah using a quill and ink. We examined the inside of a Torah and saw the crowns on some of the letters. We then pretended to be Soferim and wrote using quill and ink.


This past unit was filled with flowery fun for Shavuot! 

Making beautiful flower arrangements to decorate our classroom 

 Learning about the different parts of flowers 

Decorating our planters 

 Counting the flowers on Har Sinai 

Shavout circle time!

Decorating Har Sinai 

Planting Flowers 

Channeling our green thumbs! 

Edible flowers for snack!