We are so exited to be launching our Preschool blog. We hope that you will enjoy getting some insight into the learning experiences of our students.
These past few weeks we have been learning all about the holiday of Purim.
We love to pretend that we are kings and queens in our Shushan palace that we painted ourselves!
Our highlight of each day is the Purim puppet show that Morah puts on for us.
Then we use the puppets to act out the story on our own :)
To exercise our pincer grasp we collected jewels from sand,
Here's another Purim fine motor activity- placing pom poms onto each of the clown's balls.

On Purim we shake Gragger noisemakers so we tried making our own noise makers by filling jars with different items.
We were presented with a tray of many different items. We explored each item discovering that some items make noise while others don't.
Baking Purim shaped cookies and Hamantashen are all great ways to explore math, literacy and fine motor! We love to measure the ingredients and we use a pictorial recipe to help us along the way. Even though the little youngsters can't exactly read, they can look at the pictures next to the words and understand that words have meaning.
"Writing" our own Megillah using Quills like real scribes.
Our Megillah consisted of pictures of each of the Purim Characters. Here we are decorating Vashti.
Now it's time to decorate our Megillah case! We each took turns pouring paint into a box. We then rolled our Megillah cases into the paint. We watched how the colours blended to create new colours!
We have a great repertoire of Purim songs! Here we are pretending to be Purim Clowns performing Purim tricks as part of our favorite song called Shushan Clown!
One day I went to Shushan town
And there I saw a funny clown
His hands were up, his head was down
A funny, funny Purim clown
He clapped 1,2,3,4,5,6
And then he did some funny tricks
Then he lay down in a heap
Pretending to be fast asleep!
Purim has finally arrived! Look at our adorable friends in costume!!